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  • Studio Life

    Dance into the holidays with heart

    It’s been a whirlwind of a year, fueled by creative exploration, hard graft, and adventures aplenty. This December we’re proudly supporting Bangarra Dance Theatre. More than performers, their stories share the rich culture of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. These holidays, let’s celebrate self-expression, embrace joyous moments, and create a lasting impact. Cheers to dancing our way into bright days ahead. Taking a short break from the 21st of December, we'll be back in full swing from the 8th of January.
  • Studio Life

    2023 on the horizon

    They say that when you are having fun, time flies...and this year has skyrocketed! It's been fuelled by inspiring projects, people and places. We are eager to see where 2023 takes us. The Ikon team are cooling their jets from the 22nd December but will be back on deck from the 9th January. Happy holidays!
  • Studio Life

    This is_a wrap

    Looking back on the year that was inside, but fun.
    Now it’s time to say goodbye to 2021.
    We’re closing down on 22nd December.
    Ready to make 2022 a year to remember.

    So, enjoy your mangoes, prawns, and ham.
    We'll look forward to seeing you from the 10th of Jan.
  • Studio Life

    2021 beckons brightly

    What a year it’s been…
    for re-kindling creativity, re-discovering local and giving new things a go. What a year for championing the underdog and for human kindness. 2021 beckons brightly. Let’s keep these things close and use our experience to design a better future. Wishing you, your friends and families – wherever they might be, a Christmas full of soul. We'll be taking a break from Friday 18 December until Wednesday 6 January.
  • Studio Life

    Wishing you a blooming bright summer break!

    We're on holidays from Friday 21 December. The studio will reopen with a flourish on Monday 7 January.